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North Plank Select Red oak Flooring Chocolate Brown 4" x 3/4" x RL

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Quick Overview

The Northern Red Oak has the widest colour selection of all species. This oak tree stains very easily giving you lots of colour options.
North Plank -SELECT RED OAK- SABLE is Peoples' Top Choice for Canadian

Availability: In stock

North Plank  Select Red oak Flooring Chocolate Brown 4" x 3/4" x RL

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A popular and attractive looking shade tree, the Northern Red Oak can be found on suburban streets across the North American continent. The red oak, has a natural colour variation and is quite grainy with more open grain patterns. If you like your wood grainy and want lots of colour options, the oak is for you. If you want a red hue, the red oak is less expensive than the Cherry. North Plank -SELECT RED OAK-SABLE is Peoples' Top Choice for Canadian

Additional Information

Sku # 2251
Brand Seasons
Surfaces Prefinished
Color Chocolate Brown
janka hardness ratio 1290
Size 4" x 3/4" x RL
Sq.ft Per Box 18sq.ft
Click System T&G
Finish Warranty 35 Years
Construction Solid
Installation Type Glue/ Nail
Manufactured Made in Canada
Selling unit /SFT